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#HandsOff- The Movement Against Distracted Driving

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라이프 스타일 건강 및 피트 니스 교육
개발자: The Milt Olin Foundation Developed by Minty Swirl Inc.
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Take the pledge!

Did you know that in the time it takes to send a text message your vehicle can travel the length of a football field? Distracted driving-related incidents are a major issue and they need to end. Pledge to keep your eyes on the road with #HandsOff by The Milt Olin Foundation!

Our goal is to reduce distracted driving-related incidents and help save lives by allowing you to voluntarily go #HandsOff. The first step begins by taking the #HandsOff video Pledge and sharing the video with your friends to join you in taking the Pledge.

Spread the word about the dangers of distracted driving and encourage others to go #HandsOff. You also get to use the #HandsOff button to commit to driving hands-free and earn points for rewards. #HandsOff is a fun and effective way of keeping you and others safe while driving.

Steps to using the #HandsOff app:

- Record your video pledge and upload to social media
- Challenge your friends to take the #HandsOff Pledge and spread the word about safe driving
- Share with friends and family whenever you go #HandsOff
- Track how long you go #HandsOff and earn points

Join the movement. Take the pledge to go #HandsOff today!

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.